Be Inspired by the Spirit of the Holiday Season

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Be Inspired by the Spirit of the Holiday Season

The following is taken from an article from The Good News Network, whose mission it is to provide a “Daily Dose of News to Enthuse.” The Good News Network® is a clearinghouse for the gathering and dissemination of positive compelling news stories from around the globe. Daily stories will confirm what we already believe: good news itself is not in short supply; the advertising of it is.

“In place of a holiday party, computer technology company NVIDIA conducted one of Silicon Valley’s largest-ever employee volunteer events, with 1,500 employees and family members gathering to bolster a local farm’s ability to continue providing students and families with access to fresh local produce.

NVIDIA’s annual holiday initiative called Project Inspire began on December 9 and in two days transformed Full Circle Farm’s operations, building structures to enable it to become financially self-sustaining and to expand its ability to provide nutrition education to students and families in Silicon Valley.

An estimated $380,000 was donated in material and labor to the 11-acre Sunnyvale, Calif. community farm, tripling the number of individuals it can serve.

Project Inspire has contributed about $1.7 million in grants and volunteer hours over five years to the Silicon Valley community.”

