#1 Career Coaches in San Francisco, Los Angeles, & New York City
How and when do you thrive? What generates happiness for you, and gives you a turned-on life? Dr. Campbell helps you answer these questions, and clarify, achieve, and exceed your goals. From launching ideas, and improving your performance, to strategizing next steps, and finding out which career/industry/company is the right fit, she has helped hundreds of clients ignite, and she can help you.
Are you wanting to live and work more intentionally; realign with your values and who you really are? Mara helps clients identify and articulate their goals based on their authentic self. She believes in, and supports you, to make change in manageable steps that lead to big shifts. Regardless of where your journey started, what paths you took, or where you are now, Mara is the coach who will help you find fulfillment and empowerment again.
Are you ready to discover what makes you truly come alive in your life and work? Would you like to develop confidence and express exactly who you are to the world? Dr. Brooks helps you tap directly into your natural talents and style to work and live from a place of alignment and engagement. From supporting you in self-discovery to writing the next chapter on your professional or personal path, Christine uses proven methods in emotional & social intelligence to help you thrive in work and life.
Are you encountering transitions that are making it clear that something needs to shift? Are you ambitious and know what matters to you, but feel depleted and not quite sure what needs to change? Can you sense the possibility of more contentment with less effort, but the path forward either seems foggy or full of complexity?
Brita helps you get clear about what you really want, what feeds and nourishes you, and what’s in the way of expanding into the joy possible for you. Together, you’ll find the path of ease, so that your work life (and quite frankly, all of your life) can fit the shape of who you’re becoming, with that effortless magic that you’ve tasted at times. She helps you uncover what’s in the way of allowing your life to unfold in this way and helps unravel the blocks with simplicity.
A Word From Our Founder...
Ignite Your Potential was founded over 15 years ago (2008) by Dr. Colleen Campbell who was inspired, first and foremost, from her own healing and growth process.
I came into young adulthood with low self-esteem, neurosis, negative self-talk, volatile relationships, and an active addictive cycle as my primary coping skill. I was struggling deeply and there were times when my future seemed grim.
Working with a therapist and reading Scott Peck's A Road Less Traveled began a journey where I started to think that my idealistic notions, that I barely dared to dream, might be more than just a fantasy. If I could heal myself, I could help others on their journey to health, wholeness, knowing themselves: success as they define it.
I have come pretty far on the road of change. I have been doing personal and professional work in the realm of change and growth for the last 25 years and have a passion to bring this to others.
Ignite Your Potential stands out as a resource for smart, creative, people who want to change - to have more fulfilling lives and careers and to figure out how they can be who they are meant to be. The coaches here help in a way that no other place is helping clients: through a blend of top-notch career, executive, and life coaching and their own experience in the field. Then there’s the fact that there are a variety of different coaches so that clients can find the right-fit coach for them.Dr. Colleen Campbell
Our award-winning coaches at the Ignite Your Potential Centers offer a complimentary 25-minute phone session to help you come up with more ways to live the life you want to be living! We are the #1 career coaches, life coaches, and executive coaches in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Brooklyn, New York City, let us show you how we earned that praise.
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