#1 Life Coaches in San Francisco & Los Angeles, California
The #1 Life Coach in the Bay Area, where people from around the world come to thrive, Dr. Campbell can help you clarify, achieve, and exceed your goals.
How and when do you thrive? What generates happiness for you, and gives you a turned-on life? Dr. Campbell helps you answer these questions, and clarify, achieve, and exceed your goals. From launching ideas, and improving your performance, to strategizing next steps, and finding out which career/industry/company is the right fit, she has helped hundreds of clients ignite, and she can help you.
Are you ready to take the next steps in your life but are not sure where to start? Would you like to develop confidence and express exactly who you are to the world? Dr. Brooks helps you tap directly in to your natural talents and style to work and live from a place of passion and engagement. From supporting you in self-discovery to creating strategies for finding your optimal professional or personal path, Christine uses proven methods in emotional & social intelligence to help you thrive in work and life.
Are you wanting to live and work more intentionally; realign with your values and who you really are? Mara helps clients identify and articulate their goals based on their authentic self. She believes in, and supports you, to make change in manageable steps that lead to big shifts. Regardless of where your journey started, what paths you took, or where you are now, Mara is the coach who will help you find fulfillment and empowerment again.
Are you experiencing transitions in your work life that are causing you to doubt yourself?
You remember times when you were undeniably yourself, but you’re not sure how to get back that spark. With Brita, you’ll understand your innate strengths and harness them to bring your whole self into the work you do in the world. With confidence and clear direction, you’ll create a strategy that has your career fit you and leads you to be your most empowered self. You’ll once again, or maybe for the first time, have the impact you know is possible.
The Ignite Potential team is looking forward to working with you. We have years of experience in San Francisco Life Coaching, and we look forward to helping you accelerate your growth. From small to large organizations and even startups and fortune 500, our clients have worked in various companies and utilize our services to help get their life path aligned with their goals.
We believe everyone has the power to uncover their potential, and start living their truth. Phone and virtual sessions are available. Schedule a free consult with one of our coaches today to get started.