This is an exciting time. It’s been my intention to create this space and now it’s finally here. This blog is for people who want to empower themselves by trying new things and learning more about who they really are. It’s for people who want to be inspired, who desire more personal freedom, and less pain, from old patterns that have, up until now, held them back. This blog will present questions, games, and ideas, to encourage awareness, presence, and make change easier. It is about consciously evolving…it is about discovering true potential…it’s about looking at your life in a new way…it’s about being in the here and now moment.
Potential? Here, potential is not who we are after working hard to achieve what our parents or society or the critics in our heads think we should be. This is not about Martha Stewartism. When I say potential, let it be as clear as a bell, I am referring to something inside of each of us. Unique to us.
Imagine when you were born there were seeds within you, ready to grow if given the right attention and nutrients. Over time, some things got in the way, patterns and habits were created, some seeds became long forgotten, some never discovered. The most beautiful thing about these seeds is that they are always there, until the day you die, they lie in wait, ready to offer you, and the world, their deep treasure. These seeds can hold the potential of any number of offerings; for example being: the most amazing listener, an asker of imaginative questions, a role model for a balanced healthy life, a loving and truly inspired parent or grandparent, a creative storyteller, a powerful and heart-centered CEO, a world traveler, a person who puts others in contact with their silly, playful side, a baby whisperer, a person turned on about life who shows others how to get that sparkle in their lives too, an admired communitarian, a solid friend who gives others permission to really be who they are, a pioneer in your neighborhood for green, sustainable living, and the list goes on and on.
This blog is a place to discover these seeds. It’s a place that will shift old patterns, increase your motivation, and nourish these deep places that hold the gold of our lives. I’m excited to share this journey together. If a post inspires you, please contribute to the community and share your experience.