Janet Echelman gives a great Ted talk. It conveys, if you read between the lines, the creative process. When it comes to creation, you have to let go all the time. You have to have ideas and then release them…allow them to play out and then cut them loose if they don’t belong within the creation. It becomes a beautiful dance.
Somehow Echelman’s stunning artwork itself conveys this same message about creativity. Imagine my delight when last week I got to see one of her pieces in the San Francisco airport. Her work truly shares with us the rediscovery of wonder.
How might each of our lives be more fulfilling if we take imagination seriously? What new thing might creativity bring to each day? One thing is for sure…creativity brings us into the present moment. It brings us into direct contact with the vibrant world around us. It helps us see in a new way. It brings us back to a more playful way of being. Consider an experiment, for the next week try out 8 Steps to Using Your Imagination. See what happens. Share it here.