You may need some inspirational quotes for 2021. If you follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Linkedin, you know we love to share inspirational quotes. So, what better way to start the new year than with a few of our favorite quotes to help inspire you to make 2021 your best year yet!
An important part of having a successful year is your willingness to learn and try new things. In order to expand your horizons, pushing yourself to new heights. To help you on your journey to a rewarding career, consequently, we have launched The Ignite Your Potential Career Course. This brand new, cutting-edge solution to your greatest career challenges will help you find the fulfilling career you’ve been searching for.
Without further ado, here are eight inspirational quotes to help you take on 2021!

Lesson #1:
But have you found your limits? Are you pushing hard enough? Let 2021 be the year you push a little harder. Challenge yourself and, more importantly, believe in yourself!

Lesson #2:
Be brave. Be bold. When was the last time you felt fulfillment, joy, and excitement about your career? Make 2021 the year you find a career that is the perfect fit for YOU.

Lesson #3:
Nevertheless, leave the past in the past; do your part to create a positive 2021. We should all learn from our mistakes and celebrate successes, but we must also look forward to what lies in front of us.

Lesson #4:
Your new path awaits you. But you must first be ready to take that first step. Are you ready?

Lesson #5:
Indeed, we are all authors of our own stories. The new year is a perfect time to begin a new chapter. What will the title of this new chapter be?

Lesson #6:
There is potential all around us and within each of us. It is our job to find that potential, nurture it, and let it grow. This can be a difficult task to undertake alone. That’s why we created The Ignite Your Potential Career Course. To help you achieve the best-fit, most engaging career of your life

Lesson #7:
Obviously, you know what you need to know. Over the past twelve months, most of us have all learned new things, a new way of life, and a new world of work. If you take these learnings and apply them to the year ahead, think of what you can accomplish!

Lesson #8:
Finally, keep going. As we’ve stated before, you are on a journey and your job is to keep exploring, learning, and pushing yourself to grow both personally and professionally.
Check out our award-winning coaches at the Ignite Your Potential Centers who offer complimentary 25-minute phone sessions to help you.
We are the #1 career coaches in San Francisco and Los Angeles, let us show you how we earned that praise.