Do you struggle to connect with colleagues and leadership virtually? The “work from anywhere” movement has drastically changed the way we network and connect with colleagues and direct reports. Virtual meetings aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. To help you better connect virtually, we’ve compiled a list of helpful virtual ice breakers you can try out on your next zoom call.
1. Favorite Day of The Week
This is an easy question for breaking the ice that you can ask just about anyone. After you hear the answer, follow up by asking why. You might be surprised by the response you get.

2. Favorite Place to Vacation
We’ve all spent a lot of time indoors over the past 12 months. And, everyone is ready for a nice long vacation. Asking this question will give you a lot of insight into who your colleague is and what they like to do when not working. Virtual ice breakers like this one can help you quickly learn someone’s travel passion. World traveler, staycation, or nomad, you’ll undoubtedly get a wide variety of answers when you ask this question.

3. Favorite Rainy Day Activity
It is a great question to ask because everyone has at least one thing they love to do on a rainy day. Virtual ice breakers like this one take this question a step further by trying out an activity someone else enjoys. During a future meeting, you can follow up by letting your colleague know you tried their activity out and what you enjoyed about it—a perfect question for getting to know who someone is outside the office.

4. Favorite Writing Implement
Everyone has a favorite writing implement; pen, pencil, marker, ballpoint pen, mechanical pencil… there’s an almost limitless number of writing implements. Many people are passionate about what their write tool. Who knows, you may find yourself a new favorite writing implement.

5. Cats or Dogs (a PAWesome virtual ice breaker)
“This or that” questions are provide many great virtual ice breakers. This age-old question is an excellent way to get to know someone. Most people are excited to share stories about their pets and answer this question with passion and enthusiasm. If they don’t like either, follow up by asking what domesticated animal they want; fish, turtle, hamster, or even rats!

6. Phone or Text or Slack
Out of all virtual ice breakers, this is a question most people are passionate about. Some will passionately say “phone,” while others will insist texting or Slack is the way to go. This is an excellent question because the answer will give you insight into how people prefer to communicate. Once you know the answer, be sure to reach out in the way people prefer.

7. Coffee or Tea
Another great question is the age-old “tea vs. coffee” question. Take note of how people answer this question so you can treat them to a tea or coffee next time you do a morning coffee/tea run.

8. Secret Talent (a fun virtual ice breaker!)
Everyone on this planet has a talent. There’s no limit to the types of talents people can have. And, most people are excited and passionate about their skills. Asking this question will help you get to know people and show them you are interested in getting to know them. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new hobby.

9. Winding Down
This question is more important than ever, and is one of the perfect virtual ice breakers. Working from home has put stress on most of us. It has become difficult to separate work from home, and as a result, burnout has become widespread. As with the other virtual ice breakers in this article, the answer to this question will give you insight into who people are outside of the office.

10. Superpower (a “super” virtual ice breaker)
The ultimate of all virtual ice breakers is the superpower question. It is s a great question to ask anyone from intern to CEO. Who wouldn’t want a superpower?

Try one of these virtual ice breakers and see how it works for you. If you struggle connecting in this remote work world we can help. The coaches at Ignite Your Potential are here for you. Reach out and take advantage of our complimentary 25-minute inital phone sessions.