4 Common Career Regrets

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4 Common Career Regrets

Avoid career regrets instead of constantly thinking: “I wish I asked for a promotion. I wish I didn’t dread going to work. I wish I didn’t stay for the money.” You don’t want to be reaching retirement only to reflect on all the things you should’ve done career-wise. You have the power to change your professional destiny. Ignite Your Potential career coaches have curated tips to combat four common career regrets.

1. Fear of Failure and Career Regrets

Although risk taking is a part of career growth, many people play it safe because of fear of failure. Changing your perception of failure can make all the difference. If you are passionate about something you should adjust to the adversity and continue trying. Don’t be afraid to do things like present ideas or ask for promotions. You cannot expect to grow in your career if you are not willing to take risks. You may not always get what you ask for or attain your goal but going for it means you will succeed some of the time.

Avoid this regret: Consider taking a new risk every day until you become comfortable to do so at work.

2. Career Regrets Include Staying for the Money

You don’t have to suffer your entire professional life for a paycheck. “Money can’t buy happiness” is cliché, and true nonetheless. Research shows 85% of employees are disengaged from their jobs, according to psychologist Frederick Herzberg, author of The Motivation to Work. People are motivated by achievement, recognition, advancement, responsibility, and growth. Things such as pay raises and benefits are less impactful to a person’s sense of fulfillment. You should be paid what you are worth but don’t sacrifice motivation or a sense of engagement for money alone.

Avoid this regret: If you are overwhelmingly unhappy or your paycheck is the only positive thing about your job, strategically plan your exit. We encourage you to read about “5 Reasons a Big Check Is Not Worth Staying at a Job You Hate”. As well as, reading about visual artist Vanita Lee-Tatum experience with taking a pay cut for a more meaningful job.

You also don’t have to do this alone. The Ignite Your Potential coaches are here for you, to collaborate and build a strategic action plan, so you can make a career pivot that pays you and motivates you. You can have both.

3. Not Maintaining Network Within Your Career

It is tempting to leave a job you dislike and never look back. In spite of this desire, you should consider maintaining the work relationships you have built. Previous coworkers and bosses can be an important part of building credibility and a professional support system. By not maintaining your connections you are missing out on countless opportunities. You never know how former colleagues can benefit you in the future. In order to maintain a fruitful network, you must stay connected!

Avoid this regret: Take the time out weekly to connect or reconnect with long lost friends and coworkers. Here’s how “6 Tips for Building and Maintaining Your Network”.

4. Don’t Regret Not Pursuing the Career You’re Passionate About

Leaving a lucrative job to pursue your passion is not an easy task. However, if you are committed to being persistent and patient you can reach personal fulfillment and success. You owe yourself a chance to pursue your passion. Life is too short to spend the majority of your day doing something you thoroughly hate.

Avoid this regret: Begin looking for training and network with people in the industry you wish to pursue. Read our blog on how to get out of a work rut before you make your final decision to quit.

“Find something you love to do so much you can’t wait for the sun to rise to do it all over again.” – Chris Gardner

Check out our award-winning coaches at the Ignite Your Potential Centers who offer complimentary 25-minute phone sessions to help you think through career choices!

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