“So you had a bad day. Don’t let it spiral you into a mindset of doom and gloom. Get back in your power. Remember you are who you choose to be.”-Karen Salmansohn
Bad days happen. However, if you start to label too many days disagreeable this can cause a lack of productivity. At Ignite Your Potential we often recite the phrase “don’t let a bad 10 minutes ruin your entire day.” Letting a negative moment define a whole day is not only unfair, it can lead to missed opportunities, and distract from your day’s purpose. Continue reading to discover strategies that can improve your rough days.
Accept Reality
Accepting the reality of your situation doesn’t mean you’re stuck or a failure. The sooner you acknowledge the problem the faster you can find a solution. Denying or pushing away the negative feelings you are experiencing will only delay the process.
Consider Repeating Out Loud:
- I acknowledge this is my situation
- Even though I have a problem, I am okay
- I have the power to change my situation
Change Your Point of View
After you’ve accepted your current situation, attempt to transform your viewpoint into one that benefits you. For example, if you’ve been taking punch after punch all day. You may begin with a negative outlook at think something like, “This is happening to me because I’m not good enough.” Change your perspective by reframing your internal dialogue, “This can make me stronger, more resilient, and prepared to turn challenges into future success.” Small changes, like a reframe, will make a substantial difference in your ability to conquer bad days.
- Asking yourself: is this productive thinking? Does it serve me?
- Visualize other perspectives
- Focus on what is in your power
- Use productive and positive language when you’re talking to yourself
Take a Break to Turn Your Bad Day Around
Attempting to work while your mind is overflowing with negative thoughts is ineffective and will reduce productivity. A study conducted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign concluded that brief diversions from a task can dramatically improve one’s ability to focus on that task for prolonged periods. A good way to turn your bad day around. Time off is necessary to regroup to get your mind back on track.
- Talking to a friend or family member
- Meditating
- Moving your body, go for a walk, stretch, exercise
There are many studies that show the emotional support you give and get during connections with friends and family enhances psychological well-being. When you are feeling down, reach out to the people who love and want to support you.
- Visiting your neighborhood coffee shop
- Making plans with friends or family
- Volunteering
Check out our award-winning coaches at the Ignite Your Potential Centers who offer complimentary 25-minute phone sessions to help you turn your bad day around!
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